Flixton Shepherd Eastwood Lodge of Mark Master Masons. No.1173
Installation Meeting 24th October 2017
Urmston Masonic Hall, Urmston, Manchester
A short report on this occasion no need for Garmin or Snoopy, five minutes round the corner and I was at Urmston Masonic Hall, my hall.  Tonight it was the Installation of W.Bro.Brian Hayes PAGDC for the Third Time in succession under a Dispensation from Grand Lodge, the same team has been kept together for the past couple of years to give the newer Brethren time take up the various offices within the Lodge and following on from this year it may be possible to have Master Masons in all the progressive officer positions. (Fingers crossed)
The Hall
We were delighted to have the pleasure of W.Bro. Giles Frederick Berkley PGStwd Asst PGM with us representing the PGM, on entering the Lodge he was supported by other Provincial officers and Distinguished Grand officers, the WM offered him the gavel which he initially accepted but was soon handing it back as he said he didn’t want to deprive the Master of the evenings work ahead which must have taken him and the Brethren a lot of hard work and practise.
A chat & a Drink
Raffle Prize for Childrens Xmas Party
Following on from Brian being proclaimed as WM for the ensuing year all the officers were duly presented and installed in their various offices, the address to the Wardens was given by W.Bro.Chris McNab PGSD, address to the Overseers by W.Bro.Graham Bailey PGStdB and the address to the Brethren by the AsstPGM W.Bro.Giles Berkley. PGStwd.
Asst PGM & the WM Brian Hayes
Grand & Prov Officers with Asst PGM
The Asst PGM was delighted to offer the greetings from the PGM and thanked everyone who had taken part in the relatively short but excellent ceremony with a special mention of the DC W.Bro.Tim Burns PPrGMO who was acting not only as DC but also as IPM, overseeing all the workings. The WM was pleased to present Giles with a cheque for the West Lancs Mark Masons Charity Fund which he was delighted to receive on their behalf and said how it would be faithfully applied to those in need.
Lodge members
Dining Room Ready
Following the First Rising the Asst PGM retired from the Lodge accompanied by members of Prov Grand Lodge and Distinguished Grand officers, once the rest of the usual business was concluded and the meeting closed there followed a short photo session before everyone made their way to the dining room for some liquid refreshment and plenty of friendly chat. The Festive Board followed with an excellent meal served up by very attentative staff, on its conclusion the usual Toasts and responses followed with a few very interesting stories from the Asst PGM.  
PGM’s picture
At the nine o’clock Toast to Absent Brethren everyone present turned to one of the camera’s in the room and wished the very best to a member of the Lodge Bro.Bob Murphy who was watching after having just returned home that day from Christies Cancer Hospital, it was a wonderful gesture, and Bro. Bob was delighted to receive the Toast.  
Asst PGM & WM Toast
Absent Brethren
Just before closing the SW W.Bro. Austin Fletcher was delighted to ask the DC W.Bro.Tim Burns to come out to the front where he had put on display a superb picture of the Hall which had been painstakingly done by W.Bro.Burns, the Asst PGM joined us and after giving it a good examination said what an excellent piece of art it was and a credit to Tim and that he was sure it would have a place of honour in this magnificent new hall.
Ast PGM & W.Bro.Tim Burns PPrGMO The Artist
The Tyler’s Toast given and there it was finished all too soon, another great evening in the company of like minded Mark Masons, the Friendly Degree everyone saying their goodbyes and off into the cold night air some living close by whilst others had to travel to the far ends of the county, all happy I’m sure, as for myself as I always say I’m looking forward to meeting old friends at the next meeting and the friends I have yet to meet.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173